Dancing with Courage

Nearly two years of dancing with COVID has left most of us reflecting, reconsidering, reevaluating, and maybe just reeling. 

For me, this time has driven the Extrovert in me into quiet reflection on so many things. Both in my work and personal life.  I have taken the time to step back from much that was the norm in my world. A step back from social engagements, my group work, and even from connecting with those that read these writings. It felt risky at first – to step this far back. To take stock. I know I am not alone in this… 

I hear every day from clients and the world at large, that life is different now. What I really hear under this is how each person is a bit different now. How one’s Self is perhaps experienced differently. So much has changed. What we want now, what we miss, how we work. More deeply it is one’s awareness of what matters most. 

Some are asking the questions:  How do I bounce back, is there a ‘back’ to go to now that I know more? Many indicators suggest – No. There is no going back, that we are in a new world. A new world. New awareness really, and we have the gift time to sit with and in it. 

In this taking stock I have heard loss, disorientation, uncertainty. I am also hearing new possibilities emerging, courage, and a willingness to take risks. I find myself and others considering very new possibilities with the focus on what matters most.  I hear people being more mindful regarding how they want to be in their lives and in the world. I see big shifts in those that are paying attention to their inner voice and practicing actions in accordance with this guidance.  

New tolerance for, or drive to look inward and beyond old ways of being – to learn new skills and practice new ways of being with one’s life and one’s self.  New ways of being both in one’s personal life and in how one works. I get the image of coming home to one’s own center…a deeper, more genuine and current presence…one’s wholesome center.

As I have dropped more deeply into my own wholesome center I have let go of deep patterns that are hurtful and  remembered important things about who I really am. I have been breathing these truths deeply in and letting them guide my next steps in both my work and personal life. I have remembered that there is beauty in the world, that being kind and patient with myself goes a long way. I have found strength in loving what I do in the world and have practiced ways to see that the world is a safe and loving place. 

Although this is distilled here as a nugget of goodness, don’t be fooled. This has been and continues to be a journey – as I see with so many I work with. Tenacity is required. Support and perspective is needed. Time to be with one’s self is necessary. Taking deep breaths, moving the body and allowing the imagination to be tuned towards goodness is also so helpful! With this wholesome center I find a renewed sense of enjoyment…pleasure and lightening up. 

As we enter the darkest time of the year and edge towards Winter Solstice, I hope you too are acknowledging all the ways you have turned towards your Self and how you have been courageous this past year. I hope you too are finding your wholesome center and tapping greater enjoyment and lightening up in your life. Big Winter Solstice greetings to you this year. 


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